There’s been plenty going on since our last redevelopment update in March, including some excellent funding news!
We’re delighted to have received £140,000 from Scottish and Southern Energy (SSE) towards the project building costs. This funding will focus on the environmentally-sustainable elements of the building design – including solar panels, air-source underfloor heating and an organic roof. As well as helping us keep the Museum at a more constant temperature (very important for protecting our unique collection), these measures will help us reduce our energy bills – a highly topical matter!
In October last year we were able to employ our first ever Learning & Engagement Officer, Parris Joyce, through National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF) funding. Now, thanks to a generous grant from Museums Galleries Scotland (MGS), we’ve been able to extend this post until the end of 2024 - giving Parris room to build on her superb work getting schools and the community involved in the Museum and making sure that engagement is at the heart of the redevelopment.

Our Learning Officer, Parris, with a well-armed group visit from Glencoe Primary School.
And there’s more! MGS have also awarded £15,000 for us to employ a Fundraising Consultant for 12 months to help develop new fundraising methods to support the organisation through the redevelopment and beyond.
There are still plenty of challenges ahead, and like everyone we’ve been hit by continuing rises in the costs of materials and labour together with general state of the economy. This has led to our project costs increasing in the last few months to just over £2,000,000, and we’re working closely with the National Lottery Heritage Fund to ensure that our redevelopment represents maximum value for money as well as working hard to secure additional funding.
The first stages of development of the building and exhibition designs have been completed, and we’ve recently applied to Highland Council for planning permission to bring these plans to fruition. Here are some images produced by our conservation architects (Peter Drummond) showing how the new entrance building will sit sympathetically with the historic structures, clad in Ballachulish slate and fitted with a partial corrugated tin roof to reflect traditional building materials. We can’t wait to replace our outdoor displays with this building - giving the Museum its first ever toilets and transforming us into a fully-accessible indoor attraction!

Renderings of the redesigned accessible entrance and extension building (Peter Drummond Architects)

Watch this space for continuing developments…