Welcome to Glencoe Folk Musuem. Our staff are here to ensure you enjoy your visit to the collection and exhibitions.
At Glencoe Folk Musuem we are committed to making our building and events programme accessible to all. Below you’ll find some information on Accessibility at the museum - but if you can’t find what you’re looking for, or if you have any feedback on how we can improve, please send an email to curator@glencoemuseum.com or telephone 01855 811664 (April-October only) and speak to a member of the team.
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⁃ Sitemap
⁃ Wheelchair and buggy users
⁃ Seating
⁃ Toilets
⁃ Parking
⁃ Dogs
Wheelchair/Buggy Users
Much of our site is accessible to wheelchairs and buggies. The whole site is on one level. There are uneven floors/ground throughout the site. There are some narrow doorways - see details below. The site includes the main museum building, outside space leading to three small outbuildings with displays, and an outdoor display of the coffin boat.
Step free access to the main museum building is available through our main entrance off the Main Street in Glencoe. The main door measures 165cm high by 85cm wide and opens with a latch, though it is often propped open during the season. A member of our workforce is always on hand to assist with opening the door if necessary - just knock! There is a sloped floor between the two cottages of the main museum building, and at all points there is a turning circle of at least 1.5m.
The door from the main museum building to the rest of the site is very low and narrow (131cm high by 60cm wide) and has a small step. However, alternative access to the outdoor area can be gained through a gate on the left hand side of the main museum building - please ask our workforce for access.
The path to and doorway of the Massacre Room are narrow. The space within the Room is small and it is not possible to turn a wheelchair or buggy inside.
The path from the access gate to the Medical Room and Coffin Boat display is wide. The door to the Grant Room is low and narrow, and it is not possible to turn larger wheelchairs or buggies inside.
The path to the Daily Life gallery is wide enough for wheelchair access. However wheelchair access is challenging due to a slope and uneven ground. There is no turning place at the end of the path.
Our workforce are available to help accessing GFM through our main entrance and through the access gate - please get in touch.
You are welcome to park your mobility aid or buggy near the front desk in the main museum building - you do so at your own risk.
There is seating in the main museum building. Please ask if you’d like us to make seating available to you elsewhere on site.
Large Print Guides
We are working to have large print guides available for all our displays. Please ask at the front desk.
Audio Description
A transcription of our 'Night of the Massacre' Audio is available in Large Print. Please ask at the front desk for details.
How busy is it at GFM?
On an average day, GFM is usually relatively quiet. However, given the size of the buildings and site, it can seem busy with only a few visitors! If you or someone you are visiting with would benefit from a quiet visit, please get in touch in advance by emailing curator@glencoemuseum.com or calling 01855 811664 (April-October only). We can let you know if a large group is booked in, or if we can accommodate you in some other way.
There are no toilet facilities at GFM. The nearest accessible toilet is by the public carpark, around 300m/5 minute walk from the museum. The nearest baby changing is at the National Trust for Scotland Visitor Centre. There is a charge to park here. There are no nearby facilities for adult changing.
Parking at GFM
There is limited on-street parking directly outside GFM, including two spaces for Blue Badge holders, which are clearly marked. The village carpark, with 50 spaces, is a short (5 minute) walk from the museum along level pavements.
All dogs are welcome at GFM, accompanied by well-behaved owners. We have a water bowl available.
Free Entrance for Companions
If you cannot independently visit the museum or attend an event and need to come along with a companion, you will not be required to purchase two tickets. Just let our team know at the point of entry/booking or by dropping us an email at curator@glencoemuseum.com and we’ll put aside your companion’s ticket for free.