Clan Donald Genealogical Tree
The Clan Donald Genealogical Tree is one of our most exciting objects. Compiled in 1814 by John Brown, genealogist to HRH the Prince of Wales, it charts the descent of various branches of Clan Donald from the 10th Century onwards. This beautiful chart was damaged in 1984 when an arsonist set fire to the museum roof, but was later restored thanks to a grant from the Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust.
Up until recently, the chart had only been accessible to on-site visitors, but we are excited to say that it is now available online! Click the images below to view in more detail - to study names, research the lines of Clan Chiefs or just marvel at the detail. Copies will also soon be available to purchase in our gift shop.
This digitising project was made possible thanks to a grant from the Institute of Conservation supported by the Radcliffe Trust. Photography was carried out by Jim Dunn.

Listen to our curator talk in-depth about our Clan Donald chart as part of the Highland Objects podcast series here!